
Critical Reflection

My product represents the issue of obsession. I felt like this topic is not talked about enough unfortunately but should be due to its potential effects. Obsession can develop in a fast and serious manner and can often lead to crimes. What is so dangerous about it is that the culprit can often be within their victim’s social circle without the victim even knowing it. In the short film, the victim is actively being watched and studied, until she realized and sensed something was wrong. She was about to get attacked and kidnapped if she had not used her intuition and followed her gut. This proves how important it is to be vigilant and careful when someone comes into another person’s life a bit too easily. Moreover, this project also represents friendships. In the short film, the victim was lucky enough to be surrounded by her friends quite often, which lead her to talk to them about her doubts and worries. The friends played an important role because they confirmed how the main character

Short Film Package for In Pursuit

 Website: Postcard: Short film:

Production Blog: Last Minute Changes

My group mates and I are so happy to be finished with the short film. Or almost. We are so thankful everything went well for the most part.    I really feel that my group has come a long way and we have supported each other throughout the progression of the production of this film. As a result, we have also gotten a lot closer, which I am very happy about. Working with other people would have been challenging because they may not have had as much patience and determination. My group mates and I all wanted the best for our short film, which is why I feel like they are great to work with. But  now that we are finally done with the editing process, we wanted our short filmed to be peer reviewed. First, I went up to a close friend of mine. She said that she really loved the concept of our film, but that it didn’t flow as perfectly as it should have been. Then, I asked my brother about it. He said he liked it, but he felt like the sound could be improved. He was nit a fan of the current mus

Production Blog: Sound Editing

Monday was pretty hectic. However, we found a way to make it work. As we wanted to focus on the editing part of our project, we decided to work on the sound. However, it was not as easy as it seemed. Unfortunately, on that day, we went onto lockdown because of a certain situation. We were therefore not able to meet up during school because of security reasons. And because none of us were able to meet up after school, we decided to work on it during school hours, but virtually. Hannah made a Group FaceTime, and shared her screen with us. We were able to listen to the different types of sounds she shared. We listened to thriller music, tension music, and suspense music. All of them are copyright free. We ended up choosing the tension one, as we thought it would be a perfect match because it went flawlessly with the theme of our film. Now that we had chosen a sound, it was time to add it to the clips. First, I screen recorded the video on YouTube, and then I used a certain feature on CapC

Production Blog: Editing the Clips

I can proudly say that we finally have all of our scenes done. Now, we can finally edit our our short film. We first started with Angie airdropping me all of the hearted videos she had on her phone to my iPad. Once that was done, we assembled all of our clips in the correct order onto CapCut. Just like last year, we are using CapCut as there are a lot of options on there, and there is no watermark. After that, we had to cut the clips to the correct length, as they were way too long. Then, I had to make sure all of the clips flowed perfectly. This was a bit tricky as precision was key. For instance, the scene of Chloe talking to Rachel at Publix had to be edited a certain way. She is seen from an eye-level angle, looking down at her shoes. But then, an insert appears of her point of view. This is shy the insert of her point of view has to come exactly at the time she looks down at her shoes to make it as realistic as possible. Then, we came across a small problem, being not able to reac

Production Blog: Last Day of Filming

My group mates and I have finally finished filming our short film. We met up on March 15th, around 3PM. Once the girls arrived at the house, we changed outfits. I focused on wearing colors, while Hannah focused on wearing black to correctly portray her character’s personality. Angie and Aleiah focused on wearing casual clothes that normal teenage girls would wear. Then, we headed towards the mall to film the “coffee shop” scene. However, it did not take place in a coffee shop as there was not enough space. Instead, we went to the food court because it was much more spacious and we felt more comfortable. It took a little while to, practice our lines, but after we mastered them, everything went smoothly. It took a few tries for Hannah to find the best angle, but apart from that, it was faster than expected. Our second location, H&M, was right next to the food court, so we directly went there. We headed towards the accessories aisle, and quickly shot the scene of Chloe trying on a pai

Production Blog: Planning for Wednesday

We are currently planning for our last filming day. According to our plan, we should be filming on Wednesday. Because we will leave school early, we will have a lot of time on our hands to film. Hopefully, all of my group mates will be able to film on that day at night. Our last scene, where Chloe is supposed to set Rachel’s car on fire is supposedly taking place in a parking lot at night. The dark scenery will enhance the fear and shock the audience is supposed to feel. Another scene that is needed to be filmed is the scene where the plot twist happens. More specifically where Chloe ends up kidnapping Rachel. For that scene, I will need a bit of judo practice from Hannah as I will need to “attack” her. This might take a while to practice as I am not used to martial arts. However, all of us will make sure that we do not get hurt in the process. Another scene is the one where Chloe and her friends are shopping at the mall, which should be no problem and shouldn’t take too long. Finally,