Production Blog: Props

Prior to filming our short film, my group mates and I had to establish some essentials that we will need on our filming days. First, one of my group mates, Hannah, asked one of her professors if he could give her two Manila folders that we will need for one of our scenes that demonstrate Rachel being obsessive about Chloe. Another prop that we will need is red yarn, used for the same scene. Instead of buying it, Aleiah will bring some with her to my house. This will be used to attach to a bulletin board of Chloe that Rachel owns. Moreover, still for the same scene, we will need push pins, which Hannah will bring. A bulletin board will also be needed, but none of us own one. Therefore, we will go to Target and buy one. Another item that I will probably need to buy is a bottle that resembles one of a lighter fluid. Although I do own lighter fluid, we cannot actually use it for safety reasons. We will have to pour it around my car and then throw a lighter, so it would be preferable to just use water in that bottle to avoid causing a fire. Next, Hannah will need a magazine or newspaper in her hands in the first scene to look “busy”. Fortunately, we will not need to but one as I already have one at home. For the final scene, Chloe, the character that I play, will need to wear sunglasses in order to properly see the reflection of the car being lit on fire. Hannah will also need a pair herself in the first scene in order to look suspicious and remain suspicious. Next, for the scene where Chloe and her two nest friends hang out at Starbucks, we will need cups. That will not be a problem as we are actually going to buy coffee there. And finally, Rachel is going to need a few paper props. The first one is a picture of Chloe, more specifically a selfie, to make it look as if Rachel got the picture from social media. Therefore, we will need to print a picture that I have already took. And the other one is Chloe’s birth certificate, which we will get by getting a template from google and then printing it. 


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